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Planned Giving


A planned gift is an easy, generous and effective way of ensuring The Bridge Fund’s future that costs you nothing today.  Your planned gift — whether through your will, trust or retirement plan  — lets you leave a lasting legacy that will allow TBF to change lives, and may provide valuable tax benefits for your estate and family.

You can make a planned gift in a number of ways, including:

A Gift by Bequest:


You can name TBF as a beneficiary in your will or trust, ensuring that critical funds will be there tomorrow to assist families, students and others in need. You may choose to donate cash, securities, and/or other property. The total value of your estate will be reduced by the amount of your gift to TBF, possibly providing tax benefits for you and your family, with no impact on cash flow during your lifetime.

Your bequest to TBF can name an amount, a percentage of your estate, or some part of the remaining balance after other specific gifts are paid.

A Gift from Retirement Plans:


For a simple, tax-efficient planned gift, consider naming The Bridge Fund as the beneficiary of your tax-deferred profit sharing, 401(k) or 403(b) retirement savings plan, or individual retirement account (IRA). These tax-deferred assets are generally taxable to distribution recipients.  However, if TBF is named as a beneficiary, the amount of the gift will pass free of any taxes, providing more life-changing help for years to comes.


This is also one of the easiest gifts to put in place. In most instances, you can simply go to the website of the trustee or custodian of the plan and change the beneficiary designation. Like a bequest from a will or trust, the gift may be for a specific dollar amount or a percentage of the plan assets.

However your planned gift is structured, please know it will be greatly treasured and sincerely appreciated!

Consult your tax or legal counsel for advice.  

The Bridge Fund EIN: 45-4745677

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